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SAT-10 Acheivement Testing: Attendance Mandatory

SAT-10 Acheivement Testing: Attendance Mandatory
6/3/2015, 8:30 AM 11:30 AM

For parents of children in Grades 1-8:
Please send your children well rested, well-fed, and with two #2 pencils for Stanford Achievement Test (SAT) testing. Children take tests at grade level during the morning and rehearse for the International Fair during the afternoon.

Attendance is mandatory. Please be prompt. Thank you! Tardy children will need to sit silently in the office until the first break for the class.

For parents of Kindergarteners:
Your children will be rehearsing outdoors in the mornings and doing curriculum in the afternoons. Please be prompt in the mornings so that the other children's testing is not interrupted. Thank you! Please send your child in sunscreen, with a hat, and with a water bottle.

For parents of Pre-K students:
Please prepare your children to be quiet entering the office during the week of SAT testing (6/1-6/5). Students will be testing in the lower lab, the kitchen, the principal's office, and in all the classrooms. Thanks for your help!

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