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ART Supplies for Remote Learning

Dear parents,

The new school year is approaching, and I cannot wait to see our amazing artists! I made a list of supplies we will be using this Fall. You probably have the majority of the items at home. These or similar supplies can be found at your local Ross, Target, or any other store you prefer.  It would be very helpful to place the art supplies somewhere next to the child's desk, within reach, easy to find. Thank you!


List of supplies ART K-5


1-Paper Pad. We will be working with paint, so the heavier watercolor paper or a Bristol paper pad will work the best. 



2-Oil Pastels



3-Watercolor paint set (this one comes with a small brush)



4-Crayola Magic Clay




We also will be using:


Glue, scissors, eraser, crayons or color pencils, and craft paper, old magazines for collage.



List of supplies ART 6-8


1-Paper Pad. We will be working with paint, so the heavier watercolor paper or a Bristol paper pad will work the best. 



2-Oil Pastels



3-Watercolor paint set (this one comes with a small brush)




We also will be using:

Liquid Glue, scissors, eraser, color pencils, or markers. Acrylic paint if you have it is great. Save some newspaper for Papier Mache’ project!

#TeenScienceNight 2020 at CA Academy of Sciences

Watch science come to life at TeenScienceNight! Discover what environmentalism means to you at this free, fun-filled teen takeover event.

About this Event

Register via zoom to secure your tickets!

#TeenScienceNight 2020 will take place on Friday, August 7, 2020, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Register to secure your tickets. After registration, you will be emailed additional details about the event.

Who: Teens 13-18 years old

What: Interactive programs exploring art, science and environmental justice

Where: Zoom

When: August 7, 2020, 5:00 - 7:00 PM PST

How: Register via zoom to secure your tickets!



Wednesday 22 April
World Earth Day Sculpture Challenge

On Wednesday 22 April Minecraft celebrates World Earth Day by launching Jupiter Artland in Minecraft Sculpture Challenge. Young people of all ages can join Jupiter Artland in Minecraft using their Minecraft log-ins and design and build their own sculptures for Jupiter Artland. The winning design will join the permanent collection at Jupiter's online universe plus goodies including a free family-visit to Jupiter when we reopen later this year! 

Here is the link to this event. 


Young artists of Hilldale School are taking part in a wonderful worldwide movement – Rainbow Neighborhood.

Painted by children, thousands of rainbows have been popping up in the windows across the globe. It started in Italy, where kids have been displaying rainbows along with the words "Andra' Tutto Bene," which translates to "everything is going to be okay." Similar to a scavenger hunt, children can count them as they go outside for a brief walk around the block. Have you spotted a rainbow drawing in your neighborhood? Our artists are putting their rainbows on display to make sure you have a reason to smile when you go for a walk.  “When it rains look for rainbows, when it's dark look for stars”

― Oscar Wilde

What to do during the quarantine? Reenact famous paintings! ⁠ It's an Instagram challenge using the hashtag #TussenKunstEnQuarantaine— which means 'between art and quarantine'!
Check out these photos; and, perhaps, reenact your favorite painting! 
Follow the link to see this fantastic gallery
A Malaysian artist named Lim Heng Swee shared a big secret with the whole world. Turns out, we live on a cat planet, because they're everywhere around us. They smartly blend into landscapes and become roads, clouds, and even mountains. Can't see them? Check out the works of the artist below.
Follow the link
Wishing you a joyful Holiday season and a happy New 2020 year!
Enjoy your winter break!
Mrs. Olga Kleytman

Art is a powerful tool to evoke social change. Without uttering a single word, artists can enlighten, educate and affect change around the world. Embracing Our Differences invites you to participate in creating a world where differences are embraced and individuality is celebrated. Become a part of this exciting change through your visual art submission to the annual Embracing Our Differences international juried competition!

Hello, my amazing artists!
Happy New school year, welcome back!
Homework assignments, samples of work, and special announcements (art contests opportunities, museum exhibitions, etc) will be posted here, on hilldaleschool.org.
Sign up for the homework updates on this page. Choose your grade and press "subscribe" button in the upper right corner. Done! 
I am looking forward to seeing you in our art studio!
Mrs. Olga Kleytman



Dear Students and Parents of Hilldale School!
Thank you very much for the flowers and chocolates and wonderful cards filled with words of appreciation... I am happy to be a part of the Hilldale community and to be able to share my love for arts with our wonderful young artists!
Warmest regards,
Mrs.Olga Kleytman
Art Teacher
Every Saturday de Young museum opens its doors to young artists of all ages. Check out this free art program for the whole family at the beautiful Golden Gate Park location. 

On April 6, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco launches Free Saturdays!

Every Saturday, San Francisco residents enjoy free general admission to both of the City’s beloved museums, the de Young and Legion of Honor. Please check the website for exhibit info/programs planned by the museum committee. 

Lower school recently learned about work of Georgia O'Keeffe and Wayne Thiebaud and these artists (among MANY others) represented at de Young museum. 

It's a wonderful opportunity to visit Legion of Honor with your Upper school students to see works of master of Baroque period (we just reviewed Baroque period in art).

"Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640) was celebrated for his skillful handling of oil paint; his sensuous coloring; and his taut, action-packed depictions of dramatic narratives. Early Rubens focuses on what is arguably the artist’s most innovative period of production, from 1608 until about 1620. It was during these years that Rubens rose to the highest ranks of European painting. He did so through a series of social and artistic choices that laid the groundwork for his later international fame and established a visual style that would guide ambitious painters for generations to come."

Google is holding a special contest for kids, grades K - 12, that invites children to draw what they hope to see in the future, in the form of a doodle. This years contest theme is

When I grow up, I hope…


This year’s theme invites you to show us what you hope for in your future. Classrooms on Mars? Shoes that can fly? Food for everyone? A pill that cures everything? Take your ideas and put them into your Doodle!

Please follow the link for more info https://doodles.google.com/d4g/
Participation in the contest itself is not mandatory, but encouraged. Prizes are great!