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Parents' Corner » Parent Reference Contact Sheet

Parent Reference Contact Sheet

Reference Contact Sheet

The website is a great source of information about special events, calendar details, daily student schedules, uniform questions, Family Association events, and invaluable parent resources including the parent handbook. 

I encourage you to subscribe by clicking on the word “Calendar” on the homepage of the website and then clicking on the subscribe button. We do our utmost to keep the website accurate; however, if you find a discrepancy, please email or call so that we can correct any confusion immediately. Thank you for your help!

Mr. Lee (Office Manager): [email protected] -, absences, doctor's appointments, early pick up, tardies, hot lunch, website corrections or questions, lost & found questions, field trip finances and documentation, forms, student or parent information updates, general questions.

Mr. Dela Cruz (Extended Care Manager): [email protected]  any extended care information including program suggestions, fees, sign ups, workshops, student behavior during after school hours.

Ms. Galvin (Vice Principal): [email protected] - student accommodations, parent resources, student support, student conduct.

Ms. Clayton (Principal): [email protected] - policy questions, follow up on student behavior, standardized tests, financial aid questions, curriculum questions, preparation for high school, specific admissions questions, facilities, etc.

Mr. Willson (Admissions Director): [email protected] - tuition questions, financial questions, and general admissions questions (tours, assessment dates, etc.).

Teachers: [email protected] - day to day questions, homework, missing work, grades, student progress, etc.

Room Parents: classroom celebrations, general field trip questions, special events, etc. Room parents will be announced on or before Back to School Night yearly.

Contact 650-756-4737