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Media Studies- 7th grade Assignments

2018-2019 School Year
Upper School
Analyze and determine good sources of information/news and how bias presents itself in the information we receive. To study how the media affects politics and to better understand how our political system works in the United States. To study ethics and how it applies to every facet of our lives.

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Research what are the laws that journalists have to abide by when telling a story, and what laws protect civilians from printing false information about them? These laws are to try and ensure that the press is not printing things just to sell stories. How well does all this work? Do famous people get rumors printed about them often? Do they have to take the company who printed the article to court to take back what they said? What happens to rectify mistakes that get printed about people? How responsible do news sources have to be? Is that changing? What about content online?
Gather what you can find and write your summary/thought on Google. You MUST post your assignment there for credit. Due by next class, March 4th. 



Bring in article on issue you found with two good sources what have contrasting information on the issue. Let's discuss. 



Bring in two articles from different sources on same political event/issue to see similarities and differences.



Your paper on your environmental topic plus 3 resources is due today on the Google classroom. 
Please read the instructions for the assignment. Remember to highlight the solutions, not just the problem. 



Read the rest of An Inconvenient Truth and bring notes to class.



Read to page 254 in Incon. Truth and bring notes to class :)



Read up to page 209 and take notes for class today



Reading An Inconv. Truth up to page 168 and notes are due in class today



Read up to page 121 in An Incon. Truth and take good notes
They are due at the beginning of class



Google if medical conditions/disease/illnesses are on the rise due to the environmental conditions... are humans already paying the price of a compromised environment? Can you find a direct correlation and is it worse than 50 years ago- from what people can tell? data collection and technology has increased which may also affect the way this information is tracked and so we have a more accurate picture now vs. 50 years ago but from what you can find of then vs. now, are we any better or worse off as a planet health wise?
This is a Google classroom assignment. Turn it in on Google with a Word doc of links to articles you find for this assignment, need at least 3, and then a write up of what you read and conclusions you draw from the information you have found. 
Worth 50 points. Good research is worth 15 points and write up is worth 35 points. 



Read An Inconvenient Truth up to page 80 and take notes