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02 -- 2nd grade music Assignments

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Congratulations on a great performance. Every one of you played very well and stayed right on the beat. I'm so impressed that you have learned so many songs on Flutophone and most of you are starting to read music quite well. Keep up the good work.
This week, please turn in a weekly video. I know you're busy with the International Festival, but I'm sure you can find time for at least one video. Let's earn more belts before the end of the school year!
See you next week.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<
Have you watched your Takadimi videos? Do you understand everything in each video? Watch the videos as many times as you need to understand them.
Lesson 1: https://youtu.be/e-lI4lS859A     
Lesson 2: https://youtu.be/kQmbiEihW2U     
Lesson 3: https://youtu.be/EXWC0-AzX5I     
Lesson 4: https://youtu.be/RURZEHe0vEQ     
Lesson 5: https://youtu.be/_GzqDZjsozc   
Have you practiced your Takadimi?
Takadimi practice
Que Llueva
Go to this video: https://youtu.be/D-uV3HgK-Uo
If there is a word you do not know in Spanish, your grown-ups can look it up here:   http://www.spanishcentral.com/
De Colores ::  Mariachi video  https://youtu.be/ASnGzOdyQsM
                        Canticos video  https://youtu.be/OBm_SQUEBfQ
                        Letra (lyrics) are attached below
Songs to Practice:
  • Dynamic Duo
  • Feel the Beat
  • Know the Parts
  • Time to Learn the Facts
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



If you have finished your 100-day challenge, bring in your chart so I can take your photo!
And start a new challenge!!!!
Go to Google Classroom!
Video due 5/20: WEEKLY VIDEO: Week of May 13-May 20
At least one video must be turned in during this time period showing progress to the next belt.
New Materials posted for 1st degree red belt
ANSWER THE QUESTION under Music Theory :: Takadimi Question
Some students have not completed the Takadimi Lessons (Music Theory>Takadimi Explained). The only way to answer the questions is to watch and learn all five lessons. Most students need to watch each video a few times to understand it. 
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



If you have finished your 100-day challenge, start a new one!!!!
Bring in your 100-day completed page next week to class so I can take you picture and tell everyone about it!
Go to Google Classroom!
Video due 5/13: at least one video!
Remember to practice playing the exercises and clap/say the takadimi for them, too.
******** Thirteen students have done their homework and watched lesson 1-4.
The other 8 must catch up this week. There is a music theory assignment based on lesson 5 that students will not understand if they have not done lesson 1-4/
Under MUSIC THEORY: Look at the fifth video of Takadimi Explained.
Beginning the week of April 29 students will be allowed to work at their own speed -- but a weeky video is still due. The information is on Google Classroom under WEEKLY VIDEOS if you would like to take a look at the information to be prepared for the three-step process for earing a belt. Students must demonstrate their skills with rhythm, solfege and playing at this level.
For the current green belt, we will be doing this three-step process to help kids understand what the process will be. This age student will still need your help determining whether or not they are ready for each step. Encourage them to move as quickly as they can, but stress that quality is more important than quantity. 
Thank you!
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



For students who have completed all three videos for Green Alien before the due date: Please move on to the next belt level. I will do my best to get you some videos for Takadimi and solfege in the next couple of days. REMEMBER: step 1: Takadimi; step 2: sign and sing; step 3: play.
Go to Google Classroom!
Video due 5/6: Green: 3rd Step
Remember to practice playing the exercises and clap/say the takadimi for them, too.
Under MUSIC THEORY: Look at the third and fourth video of Takadimi Explained.
Beginning the week of April 29 students will be allowed to work at their own speed -- but a weeky video is still due. The information is on Google Classroom under WEEKLY VIDEOS if you would like to take a look at the information to be prepared for the three-step process for earing a belt. Students must demonstrate their skills with rhythm, solfege and playing at this level.
For the current green belt, we will be doing this three-step process to help kids understand what the process will be. This age student will still need your help determining whether or not they are ready for each step. Encourage them to move as quickly as they can, but stress that quality is more important than quantity. 
Thank you!
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom!
Video due 4/22: Green: 1st Step
Remember to practice playing the exercises and clap/say the takadimi for them, too.
Under MUSIC THEORY: Look at the second video of Takadimi Explained.
Beginning the week of April 29 students will be allowed to work at their own speed -- but a weeky video is still due. The information is on Google Classroom under WEEKLY VIDEOS if you would like to take a look at the information to be prepared for the three-step process for earing a belt. Students must demonstrate their skills with rhythm, solfege and playing at this level.
For the current green belt, we will be doing this three-step process to help kids understand what the process will be. This age student will still need your help determining whether or not they are ready for each step. Encourage them to move as quickly as they can, but stress that quality is more important than quantity. 
Thank you!
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom!
Video due 4/15: Yellow
Remember to play the exercises and clap/say the takadimi for the exercises.
Under MUSIC THEORY: Look at the first video of Takadimi Explained.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<
With an adult, explore the site. Get familiar with what is there. Can you find the fingering chart? Can you open a PDF of the song you are working on?
Under each belt, the most useful subcategories are REQUIREMENTS and SHEET MUSIC.
Ignore videos and student performances.
Once you have finished familiarizing yourself with the website, start working on your first degree white belt. For these belts, you get actual ribbons tied to your instrument.
The first thing to do for each belt is to play the three exercises at the bottom of the sheet music page. You can expand the image to full screen or download a PDF. The exercises are not especially musical but present you with challenges that will make you a much better player.
When you can play the exercises well, it's time to move on to learning the song for your belt.
If the song on the website is too fast for you and there is no slow version on the site, go to my Hilldale website and look under Recorder Karate. There you will find slow versions of each of the 1st-degree belts.
You may earn you belt playing the slow version well. But I encourage you to practice enough to play at the original tempo.
A VIDEO IS DUE EVERY WEEK. Check Google Classroom for due dates. You've already played songs harder than these 1st-degree belts. Working on these songs will improve your note reading skills and your technique.
To lower your stress level, start working on making your video no later than Friday. If it's taking forever to get it right ---  be satisfied with it at 80% instead of 100% and let me know what you think you need to improve. That will let me know that you know what to work on. REMEMBER you can play insanely slowly  --- just get the right notes at the right time. 
If you are someplace where you cannot play your recorder or make any sound, you can tap the Takdimi with your fingertips and say it in your head. You can also sing the solfege in your head and do the signs. Easy peasy --- and it counts towards your 100 days.
Having trouble reading the notes? Don't write in every single note --- just write in a note the first time and see if you can remember it for the next time. Once you start to know the note names, start erasing your writing and see if you can still do it. Make it a game --- maybe erase four notes every time your practice and then reward yourself with something (sticker? pretzel? new color on your chart?). Find ways to make it all fun. 
While I know that all of you want to be the best, it takes time to become the best. So TAKE TIME.
Deep breath --- and now go practice for five minutes and fill in your 100-day challenge.
BRING YOUR FOLDER AND INSTRUMENT TO CLASS (put it in your backpack on Sunday)
Five students did not have instruments in class today. This makes it hard for them to learn. Please nudge them and help them set up a system so they remember.
For learning your songs:
Get some pointers on how to learn a song before starting a new belt.
Under MATERIALS you will also find the RUBRIC. This is what I am grading you on when I look at your videos.
Please double check the way you are holding your instrument by reading and watching this post.
Have fun!
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom!
A video, showing progress to your next belt is due every week. (Except when you are on vacation --- so no video due on April 1 and that is not an April Fool's joke.)
REMINDER: Look at your Flutophone fingering chart. Are you using the correct fingering for the note that you see in the music?
If you have turned in your Arirang black belt video, you are ready for the next step!
With an adult, explore the site. Get familiar with what is there. Can you find the fingering chart? Can you open a PDF of the song you are working on?
Under each belt, the most useful subcategories are REQUIREMENTS and SHEET MUSIC.
Ignore videos and student performances.
Once you have finished familiarizing yourself with the website, start working on your first degree white belt. For these belts, you get actual ribbons tied to your instrument.
The first thing to do for each belt is to play the three exercises at the bottom of the sheet music page. You can expand the image to full screen or download a PDF. The exercises are not especially musical but present you with challenges that will make you a much better player.
When you can play the exercises well, it's time to move on to learning the song for your belt.
If the song on the website is too fast for you and there is no slow version on the site, go to my Hilldale website and look under Recorder Karate. There you will find slow versions of each of the 1st-degree belts.
You may earn you belt playing the slow version well. But I encourage you to practice enough to play at the original tempo.
A VIDEO IS DUE EVERY WEEK. Check Google Classroom for due dates. You've already played songs harder than these 1st-degree belts. Working on these songs will improve your note reading skills and your technique.
To lower your stress level, start working on making your video no later than Friday. If it's taking forever to get it right ---  be satisfied with it at 80% instead of 100% and let me know what you think you need to improve. That will let me know that you know what to work on. REMEMBER you can play insanely slowly  --- just get the right notes at the right time. 
If you are someplace where you cannot play your recorder or make any sound, you can tap the Takdimi with your fingertips and say it in your head. You can also sing the solfege in your head and do the signs. Easy peasy --- and it counts towards your 100 days.
Having trouble reading the notes? Don't write in every single note --- just write in a note the first time and see if you can remember it for the next time. Once you start to know the note names, start erasing your writing and see if you can still do it. Make it a game --- maybe erase four notes every time your practice and then reward yourself with something (sticker? pretzel? new color on your chart?). Find ways to make it all fun. 
While I know that all of you want to be the best, it takes time to become the best. So TAKE TIME.
Deep breath --- and now go practice for five minutes and fill in your 100-day challenge.
BRING YOUR FOLDER AND INSTRUMENT TO CLASS (put it in your backpack on Sunday)
Five students did not have instruments in class today. This makes it hard for them to learn. Please nudge them and help them set up a system so they remember.
For learning your songs:
Get some pointers on how to learn a song before starting a new belt.
Under MATERIALS you will also find the RUBRIC. This is what I am grading you on when I look at your videos.
Please double check the way you are holding your instrument by reading and watching this post.
Have fun!
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom!
REMINDER: Look at your Flutophone fingering chart. Are you using the correct fingering for the note that you see in the music?
Watch the video for Ariarang on Google Classroom.
  1. Sing the words in English (or Korean if you want to try it.)
  2. Watch the video (there English words are there.
  3. Sing the solfege. 
  4. Clap and sing the Takadimi. 
  5. Be sure you know the fingering for all the notes in the song.
Video was due March 11 (due date extended): Ode to Joy ---- https://youtu.be/nLeIT3QwKFo
New songs: Look under MUSIC THEORY on Classroom and find the Music Theory Songs. You'll find the song we did in class today (Dynamic Duo) and a few others that we will be learning. Start listening to and learning the lyrics. There are PDFs for any that we will be working on.
BRING YOUR FOLDER AND INSTRUMENT TO CLASS (put it in your backpack on Sunday)
For learning your songs:
Remember when you watch the videos on YouTube on tablets and computers, it gives you the tools (SETTINGS) to slow down the song so it's easier to play!
Get some pointers on how to learn a song before start a new belt.
Under MATERIALS there is a new link to a list of the songs and the belt levels  --  plus links to the warm up videos, lyric videos for songs not in English and links to the YouTube versions of each song. The VisualMusicalMinds.com site is acting strange -- so I'm giving you these as a alternate way to reach the songs for homework.
Under MATERIALS you will also find the RUBRIC. This is what I am grading you on when I look at you videos.
Please double check the way your are holding your instrument by reading and watching this post.
Before you turn in your videos, please watch your video and, using the rubric, grade yourself. Are you happy with the grade you are giving yourself? If yes, turn it in. If no, improve your playing and make a new video.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom!
Watch the video for Ariarang on Google Classroom. Sing the words in English (or Korean if you want to try it.) Sing the solfege. (No video is due -- this is a hard song and will take two weeks to learn.)
Video due March 11 (due date extended): Ode to Joy ---- https://youtu.be/nLeIT3QwKFo
Video due Feb 18: Peace Like a River (https://youtu.be/tTFXKwEx5QA)
(Link to the warm up video: https://youtu.be/_JGOhSfOX_o)
Video due Feb 25: Down in the Valley (https://youtu.be/N2DLhXFMr9Q)
IMPORTANT: High DO fingering is different on the Flutophone than it is on the recorder shown in our videos. To play high DO on the Flutophone, the only hole covered is the thumb on the back!
For learning your songs:
Remember when you watch the videos on YouTube on tablets and computers, it gives you the tools (SETTINGS) to slow down the song so it's easier to play!
Get some pointers on how to learn a song before start a new belt.
Under MATERIALS there is a new link to a list of the songs and the belt levels  --  plus links to the warm up videos, lyric videos for songs not in English and links to the YouTube versions of each song. The VisualMusicalMinds.com site is acting strange -- so I'm giving you these as a alternate way to reach the songs for homework.
Under MATERIALS you will also find the RUBRIC. This is what I am grading you on when I look at you videos.
Please double check the way your are holding your instrument by reading and watching this post.
Before you turn in your videos, please watch your video and, using the rubric, grade yourself. Are you happy with the grade you are giving yourself? If yes, turn it in. If no, improve your playing and make a new video.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom!
Video due March 4: Ode to Joy ---- https://youtu.be/nLeIT3QwKFo
Video due Feb 18: Peace Like a River (https://youtu.be/tTFXKwEx5QA)
(Link to the warm up video: https://youtu.be/_JGOhSfOX_o)
Video due Feb 25: Down in the Valley (https://youtu.be/N2DLhXFMr9Q)
IMPORTANT: High DO fingering is different on the Flutophone than it is on the recorder shown in our videos. To play high DO on the Flutophone, the only hole covered is the thumb on the back!
For learning your songs:
Remember when you watch the videos on YouTube on tablets and computers, it gives you the tools (SETTINGS) to slow down the song so it's easier to play!
Get some pointers on how to learn a song before start a new belt.
Under MATERIALS there is a new link to a list of the songs and the belt levels  --  plus links to the warm up videos, lyric videos for songs not in English and links to the YouTube versions of each song. The VisualMusicalMinds.com site is acting strange -- so I'm giving you these as a alternate way to reach the songs for homework.
Under MATERIALS you will also find the RUBRIC. This is what I am grading you on when I look at you videos.
Please double check the way your are holding your instrument by reading and watching this post.
Before you turn in your videos, please watch your video and, using the rubric, grade yourself. Are you happy with the grade you are giving yourself? If yes, turn it in. If no, improve your playing and make a new video.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom!
Video due Feb 18: Peace Like a River (https://youtu.be/tTFXKwEx5QA)
(Link to the warm up video: https://youtu.be/_JGOhSfOX_o)
Video due Feb 25: Down in the Valley (https://youtu.be/N2DLhXFMr9Q)
IMPORTANT: High DO fingering is different on the Flutophone than it is on the recorder shown in our videos. To play high DO on the Flutophone, the only hole covered is the thumb on the back!
For learning your songs:
Remember when you watch the videos on YouTube on tablets and computers, it gives you the tools (SETTINGS) to slow down the song so it's easier to play!
Get some pointers on how to learn a song before start a new belt.
Under MATERIALS there is a new link to a list of the songs and the belt levels  --  plus links to the warm up videos, lyric videos for songs not in English and links to the YouTube versions of each song. The VisualMusicalMinds.com site is acting strange -- so I'm giving you these as a alternate way to reach the songs for homework.
Under MATERIALS you will also find the RUBRIC. This is what I am grading you on when I look at you videos.
Please double check the way your are holding your instrument by reading and watching this post.
Before you turn in your videos, please watch your video and, using the rubric, grade yourself. Are you happy with the grade you are giving yourself? If yes, turn it in. If no, improve your playing and make a new video.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom!
Video due Feb 18: Peace Like a River (https://youtu.be/tTFXKwEx5QA)
(Link to the warm up video: https://youtu.be/_JGOhSfOX_o)
Video due Feb 25: Down in the Valley (https://youtu.be/N2DLhXFMr9Q)
IMPORTANT: High DO fingering is different on the Flutophone than it is on the recorder shown in our videos. To play high DO on the Flutophone, the only hole covered is the thumb on the back!
For learning your songs:
Remember when you watch the videos on YouTube on tablets and computers, it gives you the tools (SETTINGS) to slow down the song so it's easier to play!
Get some pointers on how to learn a song before start a new belt.
Under MATERIALS there is a new link to a list of the songs and the belt levels  --  plus links to the warm up videos, lyric videos for songs not in English and links to the YouTube versions of each song. The VisualMusicalMinds.com site is acting strange -- so I'm giving you these as a alternate way to reach the songs for homework.
Under MATERIALS you will also find the RUBRIC. This is what I am grading you on when I look at you videos.
Please double check the way your are holding your instrument by reading and watching this post.
Before you turn in your videos, please watch your video and, using the rubric, grade yourself. Are you happy with the grade you are giving yourself? If yes, turn it in. If no, improve your playing and make a new video.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom!
Video due Feb 11: Old McDonald
For learning your songs:
Remember when you watch the videos on YouTube on tablets and computers, it gives you the tools (SETTINGS) to slow down the song so it's easier to play!
Get some pointers on how to learn a song before start a new belt.
Under MATERIALS there is a new link to a list of the songs and the belt levels  --  plus links to the warm up videos, lyric videos for songs not in English and links to the YouTube versions of each song. The VisualMusicalMinds.com site is acting strange -- so I'm giving you these as a alternate way to reach the songs for homework.
Under MATERIALS you will also find the RUBRIC. This is what I am grading you on when I look at you videos.
Please double check the way your are holding your instrument by reading and watching this post.
Before you turn in your videos, please watch your video and, using the rubric, grade yourself. Are you happy with the grade you are giving yourself? If yes, turn it in. If no, improve your playing and make a new video.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom!
Video due Feb 4: Who has Seen the Wind
This video is sort of odd. The music with the words starts at about 40 seconds. Start there so you learn the words first. Then go back to the beginning to hear the melody and work on the notes.
For learning your songs:
Remember when you watch the videos on YouTube on tablets and computers, it gives you the tools (SETTINGS) to slow down the song so it's easier to play!
Under MATERIALS there is a new link to a list of the songs and the belt levels  --  plus links to the warm up videos, lyric videos for songs not in English and links to the YouTube versions of each song. The VisualMusicalMinds.com site is acting strange -- so I'm giving you these as a alternate way to reach the songs for homework.
Under MATERIALS you will also find the RUBRIC. This is what I am grading you on when I look at you videos.
Before you turn in your videos, please watch your video and, using the rubric, grade yourself. Are you happy with the grade you are giving yourself? If yes, turn it in. If no, improve your playing and make a new video.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom!
If you have NOT posted your video of Sailor, please do it now! It was due January 7.
If you have NOT posted your video of Mill Song, please do it now. It was due today --- but I forgot to send out a reminder. Get it turned in ASAP.
VIDEO DUE Jan. 21!
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



CONGRATULATIONS on a terrific performance!
You all did a wonderful job and worked really hard to master all your songs. Thank you!
BTW Terrific job learning three new songs in class today!
Sailor Sailor on the Sea 
  1. Please upload a video to Google Classroom with you: (if possible play along with the recording). Remember you can print out a PDF of the song.
    1. Singing the words
    2. Signing and singing the notes
    3. Playing the song
Mill Song
  1. Please upload a video to Google Classroom with you: (if possible play along with the recording). Remember you can print out a PDF of the song.
    1. Singing the words
    2. Signing and singing the notes
    3. Playing the song
  1.  Please double check that you have turned in all your assignments
  2. There are quite a few videos missing and I want you to get a good grade
  3. All of the missing videos are due no later than January 7, 2019. 
  1. Students have a video due every week
  2. Videos and any other assignment must be turned in by the due date for full credit
  3. Late assignments will get a lower grade
  4. Video assignments can be turned in early! But be sure that the video is the best possible performance. Better to spend more time learning and perfecting than to be the first to earn all the belts.  :)
Ms. Kitty >^..^<
PS: Over the winter break, I hope you will have a chance to go see a live performance some place. Bay Area Kid Fun has a list of shows and events for kids. The San Francisco Symphony has a great series of family concerts. And my favorite place to take kids for live music is SF Jazz. They have Family Matinees throughout the year -- often followed by a free music workshop (get there very early to reserve a spot). 
Encourage your kids to sing and move to music over the winter break. Happy holidays!



Please post your December practice record on Google Classroom.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



MEMORIZE ALL WINTER PROGRAM SONGS -- This is very, very important!!!
  1. A Song of Peace 
    1. Review words by singing along with the video on Classroom
    2. Memorize and practice singing all the words with the recording labeled: Song of Peace IP
    3. Practice and memorize all the ASL and sing as you sign
  2. 12 Instruments --
    1. Review the words by singing along with the recording labeled: 12 Days A Cap
    2. Memorize and practice singing all the words with the recording labeled: 12 Days Instruments IP
    3. Your class is playing #11 klicky klackers (also know as rhythm sticks). 
      1. Listen to the recording labeled: 
      2. Start playback at 5:37 for #11. Sing the words and then clap the klicky klangers part. Your rhythm is: TA DI TA    TA (You'll hear is in the recording).
      3. Every time we sing 11 klicky klangers, you play the sticks just like you hear in the recording. 
      4. After the kazoos play, you play the same rhythm.
      5. At the end of the song, after we sing "kazoos of red and"  --  all the instruments play and you will play your same rhythm pattern until you sing "green."
      6. Remember, we say "happy holidays" at the end of the song and not "Merry Christmas" that you hear on the recording.
    4. REVIEW: Au clair de la lune (ORANGE BELT) 
      1. Sing words in French (see the video on Classroom and play
    5. REVIEW: Suo Gan (YELLOW BELT)
      1. Sing the words and play
  3. If you are fabulous at the above two songs, you may go on to the following:
    1. Mary Had a Little Lamb -- Lime Green Belt 
    2. Sailor Sailor -- Lavendar Belt
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



MEMORIZE ALL WINTER PROGRAM SONGS -- This is very, very important!!!
  1. A Song of Peace 
    1. Review words by singing along with the video on Classroom
    2. Memorize and practice singing all the words with the recording labeled: Song of Peace IP
    3. Practice and memorize all the ASL and sing as you sign
  2. 12 Instruments --
    1. Review the words by singing along with the recording labeled: 12 Days A Cap
    2. Memorize and practice singing all the words with the recording labeled: 12 Days Instruments IP
    3. Your class is playing #11 klicky klackers (also know as rhythm sticks). 
      1. Listen to the recording labeled: 
      2. Start playback at 5:37 for #11. Sing the words and then clap the klicky klangers part. Your rhythm is: TA DI TA    TA (You'll hear is in the recording).
      3. Every time we sing 11 klicky klangers, you play the sticks just like you hear in the recording. 
      4. After the kazoos play, you play the same rhythm.
      5. At the end of the song, after we sing "kazoos of red and"  --  all the instruments play and you will play your same rhythm pattern until you sing "green."
      6. Remember, we say "happy holidays" at the end of the song and not "Merry Christmas" that you hear on the recording.
    4. REVIEW: Au clair de la lune (ORANGE BELT) 
      1. Sing words in French (see the video on Classroom and play
    5. REVIEW: Suo Gan (YELLOW BELT)
      1. Sing the words and play
  3. If you are fabulous at the above two songs, you may go on to the following:
    1. Mary Had a Little Lamb -- Lime Green Belt 
    2. Sailor Sailor -- Lavendar Belt
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Materials are on Google Classroom 
NEW Video Due on 11/19/18
Dear parents --
It looks like about half of you have succeeded with your first attempt at Google Classroom. Congratulations. A number of parents sent me emails asking if it was okay to turn in the assignment late -- and that is fine. It will not affect the student's grade. This is our first attempt -- and there will be problems. I care more about the child playing well and learning than I do about them getting it in on time. (That will change once we're experienced at Google Classroom -- but not for a while.)
Another video is due next week 11/19/18. The kids know all the notes and played it in class today. Please be sure to frame the shot so I can get a good look at the students' hands and face as they play.
Students are not required to play along with the recording if that is too fast for them. But if they have mastered the song and you have a way to playback and record simultaneously, please do it that way. It makes it easier for the kids.
Please do have the kids listen back to their recordings and critique themselves. Ask them to check the tone: Is it sweet and calming? (yes!) Are they over-blowing? (no!) Underblowing?  (no!) Are they tonguing to play each note? (yes!) Or are they using their breath to make each note? (no!)
Thank you! I will watch the videos on Wednesday barring any complications and you'll get comments back from me for each child.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<
  1. NEW VIDEO DUE 11/19/18
    1. Au clair de la lune (ORANGE BELT)
      1. Practice the song until you can play it very well. You might want to record yourself playing at each practice session so you can listen to yourself and see how you sound.
      2. If the background track is too fast, play without the recording.
      3. When you are ready, make a video of you playing the song one time only.
        1. If you can play along with the background track and make your video, that's great but it is not required.
        2. You playing all the right notes at the right time is what matters.
      4. Frame the shot so that I can clearly see your hands on your Flutophone.
      5. It might take you multiple attempts to get the best version of you playing.
      6. Read Mr. DLC's instructions about how to make an upload your video (Under MATERIALS on Google Classroom)
      7. If you have technical problems, most of the 5th-8th graders know how to upload to Google Classroom. If you know one of them, they are probably your best tech support.  :)
      8. If you run into a horrible problem with Google Classroom, please do not waste hours trying to figure it out. Just email the video to me and we'll figure it out for the next time.
  2. FIRST VIDEO: WAS DUE 11/12/18  Please turn in as soon as you can
    1. Suo Gan (YELLOW BELT on Google Classroom under Flutophone Karate Belts)
THINGS TO WORK ON but nothing to turn in yet: 
  1. Mary Had a Little Lamb -- Lime Green Belt 
    1. Watch the video and sing the words.
    2. Do any of you know all the words to the song? (Just for fun....)
  2. A Song of Peace 
    1. Work on learning the signs and lyrics for verse 2.
    2. This will take lots of practice. Try to do it at least once a day, okay?
  3. 12 Instruments --
    1. Sing along. Can you sing the whole song?
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Materials are on Google Classroom 
VIDEO DUE 11/12/18
  1. FIRST VIDEO: DUE 11/12/18             a.k.a.  Experiment #1 with videos  :)  
    1. Suo Gan (YELLOW BELT on Google Classroom under Flutophone Karate Belts)
      1. Practice the song until you can play it very well.
      2. If the background track is too fast, play without the recording.
      3. When you are ready, make a video of you playing the song one time only.
        1. If you can play along with the background track and make your video, that's great but it is not required.
        2. You playing all the right notes at the right time is what matters.
      4. Frame the shot so that I can clearly see your hands on your Flutophone.
      5. It might take you multiple attempts to get the best version of you playing.
      6. Read Mr. DLC's instructions about how to make an upload your video (Under MATERIALS on Google Classroom)
      7. If you have technical problems, most of the 5th-8th graders know how to upload to Google Classroom. If you know on of them, they are probably your best tech support.  :)
      8. If you run into a horrible problem with Google Classroom, please do not waste hours trying to figure it out. Just email the video to me and we'll figure it out for the next time.
  2. October practice record: WAS DUE NOVEMBER 5 There is still time to upload it tonight. Still missing: Andrea, Hana, Rio, Lena, Leora. Thanks to everyone for helping get these turned in.
  3. Au Claire de la Luna -- ORANGE BELT
    1. On Google Classroom, under FLUTOPHONE KARATE BELTS, you'll find the video for Au Claire de la Luna
    2. You'll also find a link to the song sung in French on YouTube.
    3. Please listen to the song and try to learn the words in French. STOP at 2:02 because that is where our Flutophone version ends.
    4. Can you sign and sing the notes?
    5. If you want, you can try to play the song!
  4. A Song of Peace 
    1. Everyone is doing a great job on verse 1 and the chorus! -- We went through all the signs in class so we understand more about them now.
    2. This week at home, start to learn verse 2 --- Next class, when you have an idea of what the signs are, we'll go through them carefully and really get good at them..
  5. 12 Instruments --
    1. Sing along. Can you sing the first eight verses?
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



UPDATES IN PURPLE Hoping this is clearer.  :)
October practice record: DUE NOVEMBER 5 .  Please upload to Google Classroom. Remember that the practice records are to help you figure out if you are doing enough playing at home to keep up with the class.  (PS I don't know if the direct link to the assignment page will work properly but you'll find all the practice record assignments on Google Classroom under a tab labeled Practice Records. That will also show you the due dates for each practice record.)
A Song of Peace -- TEST next week in class!!! On Google Classroom.
We spent this week learning the Nutcracker March and did not have time to get to our test. So you have one more week to get super good at singing and signing the ASL.  :)
  1. Listen to the recording
  2. Learn the lyrics and sing along
  3. Watch the video and start learning the American Sign Language for this song  https://youtu.be/JTzvEIDF7YI
  4. You will be tested on the following:
    1. Lyrics for verse 1
    2. Lyrics for chorus
    3. American Sign Language (ASL) for chorus
12 Instruments --
  1. Listen to the recording on google classroom
  2. Sing along. Can you sing the first five verses?
  3. SHEET MUSIC: If you scroll down to the very last page (#28) you'll find a page with lyrics only. On Google Classroom
  4. Do you know the real names of all the instruments in the song?
Suo Gan --
Note: All the videos are in the MATERIALS on Google Classroom but I've put a link to the video below, too.
  1. Watch the video
  2. Sing the words
  3. Sing the solfege
  4. Sign and sing the solfege
  5. Play your Flutophone
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



If you do not do this week's music homework, you will get an F next week in class.
Parents --
In the student agendas, I've asked the teachers to have the students put a reminder in NOTES AND GOALS to (1) go to the Hilldale website and do the music homework listed there and to (2) go to Google Classroom to see any materials or other info they need.
What I'm finding is that only about half the class has been looking at their homework and doing it -- and I do not want those students to fall behind or hold the class back.
Please be sure students have written MUSIC HOMEWORK into their agendas on four different days each week. This will remind them to spend five or 10 minutes doing parts of their music assignment.
Students will need your help to remember to do their homework and you can help them by playing back the videos and recordings for them. And, of course, sing along with them. Make music together!
Please put your initials in NOTES AND GOALS if your student has done their weekly homework. 
You must bring your music and Flutophone to class or you get a "0" for that assignment.
Parents --
Please encourage your student to prepare their backpack on Sunday night and help them remember their music folders and instruments. It's all part of helping them become responsible and taking some ownership of their music making.
Thank you!
A Song of Peace -- TEST next week in class!!! On Google Classroom.
  1. Listen to the recording
  2. Learn the lyrics and sing along
  3. Watch the video and start learning the American Sign Language for this song  https://youtu.be/JTzvEIDF7YI
  4. You will be tested on the following:
    1. Lyrics for verse 1
    2. Lyrics for chorus
    3. American Sign Language (ASL) for chorus
12 Instruments --
  1. Listen to the recording on google classroom
  2. Sing along. Can you sing the first five verses?
  3. Do you know the real names of all the instruments in the song?
Suo Gan --
Note: All the videos are in the MATERIALS on Google Classroom but I've put a link to the video below, too.
  1. Watch the video
  2. Sing the words
  3. Sing the solfege
  4. Sign and sing the solfege
  5. Play your Flutophone
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Hot Cross Buns -- TEST for Yellow Belt next week in class!!!!
  1. Watch the video: https://www.visualmusicalminds.com/hot-cross-buns
  2. sing the words;
  3. sign and sing the notes
    1. (REMEBER: we do not use BAG -- we use TI LA SOL); play and sing the song very slowly.
    2. You've got a copy of the NOTE CHART in your music folders to help you figure out which note is which and what the solfege name is for each note.
  4. Without the video: play the song slowly. 
  5. When you are good at it, see if you are playing fast enough to play with the video.
  6. Have fun!
A Song of Peace --
  1. Listen to the recording
  2. Learn the lyrics and sing along
  3. Watch the video and start learning the American Sign Language for this song  https://youtu.be/JTzvEIDF7YI
12 Instruments --
  1. Listen to the recording
  2. Sing along
  3. Do you know the real names of all the instruments in the song?
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



This week:
  1. Woohoo! Congratulations on earning your White Belt for Billy's Song!!!!
  2. Hot Cross Buns -- this is your Yellow Belt:
    1. Watch the video: https://www.visualmusicalminds.com/hot-cross-buns
    2. sing the words;
    3. sign and sing the notes
      1. (REMEBER: we do not use BAG -- we use TI LA SOL); play and sing the song very slowly.
      2. You've got a copy of the NOTE CHART in your music folders to help you figure out which note is which and what the solfege name is for each note.
    4. Without the video: play the song slowly. 
    5. When you are good at it, see if you are playing fast enough to play with the video.
    6. Have fun!
  3. October practice calendar -- you have a copy in your music folder. Please track your practice on this calendar.
PARENTS -- so sorry about confusion and printing requests. I assumed that other teachers had the kids printing out things at home.... but oops.... I was wrong. I've given everyone hardcopies this week so all should be simpler. Thank you for letting me know --- and hope this week is easier on all of you!
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



This week:
  1. We will test for your white belt (Billy's Song) in class next week. Practice lots!
    1. Billy's Song -- The pattern is:
      1. Sing,
      2. Play,
      3. Echo,
      4. Sing,
      5. Play,
      6. STOP!
  2. Turn in your September practice calendar next week in class.
    1. Print out your October practice record.
    2. You'll find the practice records under NEW & UPDATES as well as under RECORDER KARATE.
  3. Learn Hot Cross Buns:
    1. Watch the video: https://www.visualmusicalminds.com/hot-cross-buns
    2. sing the words;
    3. sign and sing the notes
      1. (REMEBER: we do not use BAG -- we use TI LA SOL); play and sing the song very slowly.
      2. Get the note chart on my homepage under MUSIC RESOURCES
    4. Without the video: play the song slowly. 
    5. When you are good at it, see if you are playing fast enough to play with the video.
    6. Have fun!
PS -- The recording's for Billy's Song are below.
Much better class this week! Yeah!
  1. Let's see if we can listen even better next week. We can do it! (Earn those beans!)
  2. Enter quietly and do your best whole body listening.
  3. Keep your Flutophones in their bags until I ask you to take them out.
  4. No noodling -- which means do not make any sound with your Flutophones until I ask you to play. (It's hard, but you can stand your Flutophone on the floor to get it out of your paws.)
  5. We'll make music!
Thank you!
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



1 -- Subscribe to your music homework! (Thank you to those who have already subscribed!)
2 -- Every week, go online and read (and print if you want) your homework. Watch any videos. Listen to the music. Your grade depends on this!
3 -- This week at home:
  1. Read and do the homework that was due September 4 (if you haven't already done that.)
  2. Read and do the homework that was due September 17 (if you haven't already done that.)
  3. Read and do the homework that is due September 24. Plan your practice time on your practice calendar (see PRACTICE PLAN on my Hilldale homepage).
  4. Make music. Sing. Sign the notes. Have fun!
PS -- The recording's for Billy's Song are below.
Next week in class:
  1. Enter quietly and do your best whole body listening.
  2. Keep your Flutophones in their bags until I ask you to take them out.
  3. No noodling -- which means do not make any sound with your Flutophones until I ask you to play. (It's hard, but you can stand your Flutophone on the floor to get it out of your paws.)
  4. We'll make music!
Thank you!
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



How to play recorder:
Videos to help you:
These videos are about playing the recorder, but these are the same skills we use to play Flutophone. 
Billy's Song -- Recorder Karate White Belt
I'll upload the recording tomorrow. Check back to you can sing and play along.)
Billy's Song has just one note.
That's okay 'cause he's a goat.
Now play with me
That note called TI.
Clap and say/sing the words then sing it in your head while you play the notes like we did in class!
If you're squeaking, you're leaking.
Cover the holes completely with the pads of your fingers. Don't let any air slip out or you'll make a horrible sound. Keep the tone sweet and pretty!
  • Go to my Hilldale website and download the Notes Chart under music resources. Put this in your music folder.
  • Find the note TI of the staff. Is it a line or a space note? Which number line or space is it? (We count from the bottom up.)
  • Learn the hand sign for TI. I like you to sign with both hands. The TI sign should be in front of your nose. (Not on your nose.)
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Welcome to MUSIC!
Below are the handouts for parents (and older students) from back-to-school night. I'm putting them here as an assignment so everyone will have access.
On a weekly basis, you should see the most recent assignment at the top of the list, but you can always go back to earlier assignments to catch up or review.
Hope the infomation is helpful and please email if you have questions or I can help in any way.
This week at home:
Parents (and older students):
  1. Please read the Back-to-school night.pdf (see below) and the appropirate rubric.
  2. Please subscribe. (Thank you to those who have already subscribed!)
Kinders and 1sts:
  • Listen to music. Sing. Dance. We'll learn more music next week in class!
  • Print out the Note Chart under Music Resources on Ms. Kitty's Hilldale homepage.
Students grades 2-8:
  1. Please print out and keep the following in your music folder:
    • This month's practice record (see Ms. Kitty's Hilldale home page News & Updates)
    • Your rubric. (Update: Belts will be awarded to students earning an A or B for testing. If you earn a C or lower, you'll retest until you earn your belt but that assignent will be scored lowered and considered late. And you'll still be responsible for turning in the next test by the deadline.)
Flutophone students:
  • Take a look at the website below and learn the lyrics of the first few songs just for fun.
  • We'll learn to sing words, point and sing solfege, clap and say Takadimi in class.
  • To get a head start, go to ms. Kitty's Hilldale home page and review solfege and Takadimi under Music Resources.
Recorder students:
(Note: if you're transitioning from Flutophone to recorder, watch the video fingerings to see how to finger your old Flutophone songs on the recorder. Just a few changes.)
  • Please review all the songs you learned last year
  • Please review solfege and hand signs (see Ms. Kitty's Hilldale home page under Music Resources)
  • Please review Takadimi (see Ms. Kitty's Hilldale home page under Music Resources)
  • Track your practice time!
Recorder website:
Ukulele students:
  1. Please review all the songs you learned last year -- lyrics, solfege, play all parts
  2. Please review solfege and hand signs (see Ms. Kitty's Hilldale home page under Music Resources)
  3. Please review Takadimi (see Ms. Kitty's Hilldale home page under Music Resources)
  4. Track your pracitice time!
Ms. Kitty >^..^<