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05 -- 5th grade Assignments

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PLEASE BRING YOUR INSTRUMENTS TO CLASS. We'll be checking them in on June 11.
Great show today! Congratulations.
No homework this week.  Just listen to music, sing and dance for fun.  :)
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom
Remember to turn in a video, too.
Ms. Kitty 



Go to Google Classroom
Perusing recorder parts
Tumba -- all parts
REMEMBER: weekly recorder progress due for soprano recorders
Alto Recorder
I'll post new music for you later this week.



Go to Google Classroom
Look under:
June Show
Weekly Video
Music Theory
Alto Recorder



Go to Google Classroom.
REMINDER: A video is due every week showing progress towards your next belt. But no video is due if you are on vacation --- that means nothing due on April 1 and that is not an April Fool's joke.  :)
Week of 3/12/19:
  1. Perusing --- Percussion: I cleverly left the CD at school so could not upload the music files for you. But I did upload a video of each of the percussion parts. Take a look at the video and see if you can figure out how to clap and say the takadimi for each part. Remember ---- the conga part is TA KI DA TA KI DA ---- and everything else will be a subdivision of that.
  2. Perusing -- Recorder parts: Start figuring out a little of your part. To hear a tiny bit of the recorder part, go to  6:15  in the video here: https://youtu.be/T21R5S6gax0
  3.  Video of something for your next belt.
Your NEXT video  is due on March 19.  Please, please, please remember the discussion we had in class. Alto players: turn in a belt when you are ready (you can skip takadimi and solfege since you already did it for the soprano belts.
Please see the options below if you are not ready to complete a belt!
Please remember what we talked about in class!
To lower your stress level, start working on making your video no later than Friday. If it's taking forever to get it right ---  be satisfied with it at 80% instead of 100% and let me know what you think you need to improve. That will let me know that you know what to work on. REMEMBER you can play insanely slowly  --- just get the right notes at the right time. 
If you are some place where you cannot play your recorder or make any sound, you can tap the Takdimi with your fingertips and say it in your head. You can also sing the solfege in your head and do the signs. Easy peasy --- and it counts towards your 100 days.
Having trouble reading the notes? Don't write in every single note --- just write in a note the first time and see if you can remember it for the next time. Once you start to know the note names, start erasing your writing and see if you can still do it. Make it a game --- maybe erase four notes every time your practice and then reward yourself with something (sticker? pretzel? new color on your chart?). Find ways to make it all fun. 
While I know that all of you want to be the best, it takes time to become the best. So TAKE TIME.
Deep breath --- and now go practice for five minutes and fill in your 100 day challenge.

 CLARIFICATION:  MUSIC HOMEWORK for Flutophones and Recorders    Feb 19.2019

You must turn in at least one video every week. If you cannot master the song in one week, turn in a video of what you can do so far.

  1.     A) Clap and say the TAKADIMI; (need help? Go to my Hilldale website and look at RESOURCES)
  2.     B) Sign and sing the notes; (need help? Go to my Hilldale website and look at RESOURCES)
  3.     C) Play the song very slowly with all the right notes at the right time.

But this is more work and harder you say? Nope. This is nothing new. In order to play a song, you need to know the rhythm. In your homework, you’re always told to clap and say the rhythm first. Now I’m asking to see you do it.

In order to play the song, you need to know the notes. In your homework, you’re always told to sign and sing the solfege before playing. Now I’m asking to see you do it. (I also say point and sing but I don’t need to see that.)

When you play the song, you DO NOT need to play up to tempo. If the recording is too fast for you to play it well, then play the song at a speed that you can play well. Depending on your skill and the difficulty of the song, I’ll determine if you get your belt or if I want you to improve it. Remember: PLAYING WELL means “all the right notes at the right time.”

If you do NOT turn in anything, you will lose points for being late. If you DO turn in something, I can help you improve, answer any questions and solve any problems.

But be SMART! If I suspect (or know) you are not practicing and you turn in only a TAKADIMI video, I'm going to be very suspicious.


Use the A, B, C options wisely. I’m still hoping most of you will be able to do a belt per week -- but if that is not realistic, do what is realistic. Some songs are too hard to do in a week --  or have a part 1 and part 2. These songs take longer. Your music practicing should take a total of 35-40 minutes per week. (It's great if you want to practice more --- but not at the expense of your sanity.)If it is taking you more time than that, and you are not improving and earning belts, talk to me and we’ll improve your practice skills.

Remember the 100 day challenge! To color in a block on your chart, you need to do five minutes per day. A missed day is left blank and you start the 100 days over. You might start your 100 days 20 times, but no matter what, you’ll be playing better.
Breathing deeply --- 
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Apologies for this getting posted so late!!!!
Go to Google Classroom.
Week of 3/12/19:
  1. Perusing --- Percussion: I cleverly left the CD at school so could not upload the music files for you. But I did upload a video of each of the percussion parts. Take a look at the video and see if you can figure out how to clap and say the takadimi for each part. Remember ---- the conga part is TA KI DA TA KI DA ---- and everything else will be a subdivision of that.
  2. Perusing -- Recorder parts: Start figuring out a little of your part. To hear a tiny bit of the recorder part, go to  6:15  in the video here: https://youtu.be/T21R5S6gax0
  3.  Video of something for your next belt.
Your NEXT video  is due on March 19.  Please, please, please remember the discussion we had in class. Alto players: turn in a belt when you are ready (you can skip takadimi and solfege since you already did it for the soprano belts.
Please see the options below if you are not ready to complete a belt!
Please remember what we talked about in class!
To lower your stress level, start working on making your video no later than Friday. If it's taking forever to get it right ---  be satisfied with it at 80% instead of 100% and let me know what you think you need to improve. That will let me know that you know what to work on. REMEMBER you can play insanely slowly  --- just get the right notes at the right time. 
If you are some place where you cannot play your recorder or make any sound, you can tap the Takdimi with your fingertips and say it in your head. You can also sing the solfege in your head and do the signs. Easy peasy --- and it counts towards your 100 days.
Having trouble reading the notes? Don't write in every single note --- just write in a note the first time and see if you can remember it for the next time. Once you start to know the note names, start erasing your writing and see if you can still do it. Make it a game --- maybe erase four notes every time your practice and then reward yourself with something (sticker? pretzel? new color on your chart?). Find ways to make it all fun. 
While I know that all of you want to be the best, it takes time to become the best. So TAKE TIME.
Deep breath --- and now go practice for five minutes and fill in your 100 day challenge.

 CLARIFICATION:  MUSIC HOMEWORK for Flutophones and Recorders    Feb 19.2019

You must turn in at least one video every week. If you cannot master the song in one week, turn in a video of what you can do so far.

  1.     A) Clap and say the TAKADIMI; (need help? Go to my Hilldale website and look at RESOURCES)
  2.     B) Sign and sing the notes; (need help? Go to my Hilldale website and look at RESOURCES)
  3.     C) Play the song very slowly with all the right notes at the right time.

But this is more work and harder you say? Nope. This is nothing new. In order to play a song, you need to know the rhythm. In your homework, you’re always told to clap and say the rhythm first. Now I’m asking to see you do it.

In order to play the song, you need to know the notes. In your homework, you’re always told to sign and sing the solfege before playing. Now I’m asking to see you do it. (I also say point and sing but I don’t need to see that.)

When you play the song, you DO NOT need to play up to tempo. If the recording is too fast for you to play it well, then play the song at a speed that you can play well. Depending on your skill and the difficulty of the song, I’ll determine if you get your belt or if I want you to improve it. Remember: PLAYING WELL means “all the right notes at the right time.”

If you do NOT turn in anything, you will lose points for being late. If you DO turn in something, I can help you improve, answer any questions and solve any problems.

But be SMART! If I suspect (or know) you are not practicing and you turn in only a TAKADIMI video, I'm going to be very suspicious.


Use the A, B, C options wisely. I’m still hoping most of you will be able to do a belt per week -- but if that is not realistic, do what is realistic. Some songs are too hard to do in a week --  or have a part 1 and part 2. These songs take longer. Your music practicing should take a total of 35-40 minutes per week. (It's great if you want to practice more --- but not at the expense of your sanity.)If it is taking you more time than that, and you are not improving and earning belts, talk to me and we’ll improve your practice skills.

Remember the 100 day challenge! To color in a block on your chart, you need to do five minutes per day. A missed day is left blank and you start the 100 days over. You might start your 100 days 20 times, but no matter what, you’ll be playing better.
Breathing deeply --- 
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom.
Week of 3/4/19:
  1. Under Music Theory: G Major scale
    1. (HINT: the pattern for a major scale is W-W-H  W. W-W-H
  2. Under Music Theory: Worksheets
    1. (if you didn't get one, ask Ms. Daniels or go to Classroom under MUSIC THEORY -- there's a link there so you can print your own.
  3.  Video of something for your next belt.
Your NEXT video  is due on March 12.  Please, please, please remember the discussion we had in class again this week. 
Please see the options below if you are not ready to complete a belt! PLEASE READ THIS SO YOU DO NOT PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please remember what we talked about in class!
To lower your stress level, start working on making your video no later than Friday. If it's taking forever to get it right ---  be satisfied with it at 80% instead of 100% and let me know what you think you need to improve. That will let me know that you know what to work on. REMEMBER you can play insanely slowly  --- just get the right notes at the right time. 
If you are some place where you cannot play your recorder or make any sound, you can tap the Takdimi with your fingertips and say it in your head. You can also sing the solfege in your head and do the signs. Easy peasy --- and it counts towards your 100 days.
Having trouble reading the notes? Don't write in every single note --- just write in a note the first time and see if you can remember it for the next time. Once you start to know the note names, start erasing your writing and see if you can still do it. Make it a game --- maybe erase four notes every time your practice and then reward yourself with something (sticker? pretzel? new color on your chart?). Find ways to make it all fun. 
While I know that all of you want to be the best, it takes time to become the best. So TAKE TIME.
Deep breath --- and now go practice for five minutes and fill in your 100 day challenge.

 CLARIFICATION:  MUSIC HOMEWORK for Flutophones and Recorders    Feb 19.2019

You must turn in at least one video every week. If you cannot master the song in one week, turn in a video of what you can do so far.

  1.     A) Clap and say the TAKADIMI; (need help? Go to my Hilldale website and look at RESOURCES)
  2.     B) Sign and sing the notes; (need help? Go to my Hilldale website and look at RESOURCES)
  3.     C) Play the song very slowly with all the right notes at the right time.

But this is more work and harder you say? Nope. This is nothing new. In order to play a song, you need to know the rhythm. In your homework, you’re always told to clap and say the rhythm first. Now I’m asking to see you do it.

In order to play the song, you need to know the notes. In your homework, you’re always told to sign and sing the solfege before playing. Now I’m asking to see you do it. (I also say point and sing but I don’t need to see that.)

When you play the song, you DO NOT need to play up to tempo. If the recording is too fast for you to play it well, then play the song at a speed that you can play well. Depending on your skill and the difficulty of the song, I’ll determine if you get your belt or if I want you to improve it. Remember: PLAYING WELL means “all the right notes at the right time.”

If you do NOT turn in anything, you will lose points for being late. If you DO turn in something, I can help you improve, answer any questions and solve any problems.

But be SMART! If I suspect (or know) you are not practicing and you turn in only a TAKADIMI video, I'm going to be very suspicious.


Use the A, B, C options wisely. I’m still hoping most of you will be able to do a belt per week -- but if that is not realistic, do what is realistic. Some songs are too hard to do in a week --  or have a part 1 and part 2. These songs take longer. Your music practicing should take a total of 35-40 minutes per week. (It's great if you want to practice more --- but not at the expense of your sanity.)If it is taking you more time than that, and you are not improving and earning belts, talk to me and we’ll improve your practice skills.

Remember the 100 day challenge! To color in a block on your chart, you need to do five minutes per day. A missed day is left blank and you start the 100 days over. You might start your 100 days 20 times, but no matter what, you’ll be playing better.
Breathing deeply --- 
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom.
Week of 2/26/19:
1 -- Under Music Theory: G Major scale
2 -- Under Music Theory: Worksheets
3 -- Video of something for your next belt.
Your NEXT video  is due on March 5. 
Please see the options below if you are not ready to complete a belt! PLEASE READ THIS SO YOU DO NOT PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please remember what we talked about in class!
You must turn in a video every week. If you cannot master the song in one week, turn in a video of what you can do so far. A) Clap and say the TAKADIMI; B) Sign and sing the notes; C) Play the song very slowly with all the right notes at the right time.
If you do NOT turn in anything, you will lose points for being late. If you DO turn in something, I can help you improve, answer any questions and solve any problems.
But be SMART! If you are not practicing and you turn in only a TAKADIMI video, I'm going to be very suspicious. The A, B, C options are only to be used if you are having trouble understanding or mastering something. This is not a way to get out of music homework.
TRANSPOSITION EXERCISE: For all soprano recorder players. New alto players, try this too! You'll find this assignment under MUSIC THEORY on Classroom. Was Due 2/19. THANK YOU TO THE THREE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS ASSIGNMENT!!!! (Alto players were excused from this assignment.)

Please remember what we talked about in class!


Please read the note below --- very important homework information!!!!!!


 CLARIFICATION:  MUSIC HOMEWORK for Flutophones and Recorders    Feb 19.2019

You must turn in at least one video every week. If you cannot master the song in one week, turn in a video of what you can do so far.

  1.     A) Clap and say the TAKADIMI; (need help? Go to my Hilldale website and look at RESOURCES)
  2.     B) Sign and sing the notes; (need help? Go to my Hilldale website and look at RESOURCES)
  3.     C) Play the song very slowly with all the right notes at the right time.

But this is more work and harder you say? Nope. This is nothing new. In order to play a song, you need to know the rhythm. In your homework, you’re always told to clap and say the rhythm first. Now I’m asking to see you do it.

In order to play the song, you need to know the notes. In your homework, you’re always told to sign and sing the solfege before playing. Now I’m asking to see you do it. (I also say point and sing but I don’t need to see that.)

When you play the song, you DO NOT need to play up to tempo. If the recording is too fast for you to play it well, then play the song at a speed that you can play well. Depending on your skill and the difficulty of the song, I’ll determine if you get your belt or if I want you to improve it. Remember: PLAYING WELL means “all the right notes at the right time.”

If you do NOT turn in anything, you will lose points for being late. If you DO turn in something, I can help you improve, answer any questions and solve any problems.

But be SMART! If I suspect (or know) you are not practicing and you turn in only a TAKADIMI video, I'm going to be very suspicious.

You’ve been warned: The A, B, C options are only to be used if you are having trouble understanding or mastering something. This is not a way to get out of music homework. :)


Use the A, B, C options wisely. I’m still hoping most of you will be able to do a belt per week. Some songs are too hard to do in a week --  or have a part 1 and part 2. These songs take longer. Your music homework should take a total of 40 minutes per week. If it is taking you more time than that, and you are not improving and earning belts, talk to me and we’ll improve your practice skills.

Remember the 100 day challenge! To color in a block on your chart, you need to do five minutes per day. A missed day is left blank and you start the 100 days over. You might start your 100 days 20 times, but no matter what, you’ll be playing better.LL BE ON GOOGLE CLASSROOM BY TUESDAY EVENING!
Are you on  your way to 100 days of practice?
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom.
Your NEXT video  is due on February 26. 
Please see the options below if you are not ready to complete a belt! PLEASE READ THIS SO YOU DO NOT PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please remember what we talked about in class!
You must turn in a video every week. If you cannot master the song in one week, turn in a video of what you can do so far. A) Clap and say the TAKADIMI; B) Sign and sing the notes; C) Play the song very slowly with all the right notes at the right time.
If you do NOT turn in anything, you will lose points for being late. If you DO turn in something, I can help you improve, answer any questions and solve any problems.
But be SMART! If you are not practicing and you turn in only a TAKADIMI video, I'm going to be very suspicious. The A, B, C options are only to be used if you are having trouble understanding or mastering something. This is not a way to get out of music homework.
TRANSPOSITION EXERCISE: For all soprano recorder players. New alto players, try this too! You'll find this assignment under MUSIC THEORY on Classroom. Was Due 2/19. THANK YOU TO THE THREE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS ASSIGNMENT!!!! (Alto players were excused from this assignment.)

Please remember what we talked about in class!


Please read the note below --- very important homework information!!!!!!


 CLARIFICATION:  MUSIC HOMEWORK for Flutophones and Recorders    Feb 19.2019

You must turn in at least one video every week. If you cannot master the song in one week, turn in a video of what you can do so far.

  1.     A) Clap and say the TAKADIMI; (need help? Go to my Hilldale website and look at RESOURCES)
  2.     B) Sign and sing the notes; (need help? Go to my Hilldale website and look at RESOURCES)
  3.     C) Play the song very slowly with all the right notes at the right time.

But this is more work and harder you say? Nope. This is nothing new. In order to play a song, you need to know the rhythm. In your homework, you’re always told to clap and say the rhythm first. Now I’m asking to see you do it.

In order to play the song, you need to know the notes. In your homework, you’re always told to sign and sing the solfege before playing. Now I’m asking to see you do it. (I also say point and sing but I don’t need to see that.)

When you play the song, you DO NOT need to play up to tempo. If the recording is too fast for you to play it well, then play the song at a speed that you can play well. Depending on your skill and the difficulty of the song, I’ll determine if you get your belt or if I want you to improve it. Remember: PLAYING WELL means “all the right notes at the right time.”

If you do NOT turn in anything, you will lose points for being late. If you DO turn in something, I can help you improve, answer any questions and solve any problems.

But be SMART! If I suspect (or know) you are not practicing and you turn in only a TAKADIMI video, I'm going to be very suspicious.

You’ve been warned: The A, B, C options are only to be used if you are having trouble understanding or mastering something. This is not a way to get out of music homework. :)


Use the A, B, C options wisely. I’m still hoping most of you will be able to do a belt per week. Some songs are too hard to do in a week --  or have a part 1 and part 2. These songs take longer. Your music homework should take a total of 40 minutes per week. If it is taking you more time than that, and you are not improving and earning belts, talk to me and we’ll improve your practice skills.

Remember the 100 day challenge! To color in a block on your chart, you need to do five minutes per day. A missed day is left blank and you start the 100 days over. You might start your 100 days 20 times, but no matter what, you’ll be playing better.LL BE ON GOOGLE CLASSROOM BY TUESDAY EVENING!
Are you on  your way to 100 days of practice?
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom.
Are you on  your way to 100 days of practice?
TRANSPOSITION EXERCISE: For all soprano recorder players. New alto players, try this too! You'll find this assignment under MUSIC THEORY on Classroom. Due 2/19.
Your video for your next belt is due on February 19. Please see the options below if you are not ready to complete a belt!
Please remember what we talked about in class!
You must turn in a video every week. If you cannot master the song in one week, turn in a video of what you can do so far. A) Clap and say the TAKADIMI; B) Sign and sing the notes; C) Play the song very slowly with all the right notes at the right time.
If you do NOT turn in anything, you will lose points for being late. If you DO turn in something, I can help you improve, answer any questions and solve any problems.
But be SMART! If you are not practicing and you turn in only a TAKADIMI video, I'm going to be very suspicious. The A, B, C options are only to be used if you are having trouble understanding or mastering something. This is not a way to get out of music homework.
Remember to upload your Harmonized C scale page we did in class this week. If you have a >^..^< on your page, upload it to Music Theory>Harmonized C scale we did in class. If you got a "homeword/scan" on your page, finish it and upload it. Anyone who got a >^..^< should be able to help you if you need more help. And if you were absent, downlad the sheet from Music Theory>What are the shapes, notes and chord names for the four chords we are playing.  Ask what you are supposed to do and then upload it.
NOW record the video that was due Feb 4.
Under My Videos>VIDEO: C Major scale :: Harmonized
Please go to MATERIALS and watch: How to hold your recorder
Ms. Kitty >^..^<
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom.
How are you doing on your hundred day practice challenge? I just hear about a 13-year-old kid who has practiced 3,000 consecutive days. Whoa!
Your video for your next belt is due on February 11.
Your video for Harmonized C scale was due Feburary 4. See below and do it!
If you were absent, ask someone to be sure you know what to turn in. I did a demo in class.
Please remember what we talked about in class!
You must turn in a video every week. If you cannot master the song in one week, turn in a video of what you can do so far. A) Clap and say the TAKADIMI; B) Sign and sing the notes; C) Play the song very slowly with all the right notes at the right time.
If you do NOT turn in anything, you will lose points for being late. If you DO turn in something, I can help you improve, answer any questions and solve any problems.
But be SMART! If you are not practicing and you turn in only a TAKADIMI video, I'm going to be very suspicious. The A, B, C options are only to be used if you are having trouble understanding or mastering something. This is not a way to get out of music homework.
Remember to upload your Harmonized C scale page we did in class this week. If you have a >^..^< on your page, upload it to Music Theory>Harmonized C scale we did in class. If you got a "homeword/scan" on your page, finish it and upload it. Anyone who got a >^..^< should be able to help you if you need more help. And if you were absent, downlad the sheet from Music Theory>What are the shapes, notes and chord names for the four chords we are playing.  Ask what you are supposed to do and then upload it.
NOW record the video that was due Feb 4.
Under My Videos>VIDEO: C Major scale :: Harmonized
Please go to MATERIALS and watch: How to hold your recorder
Ms. Kitty >^..^<
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom.
Your next Recorder Karate Belt video is due on February 11 --- though you are welcome to turn in videos for belts this week, too.  :)
VIDEO DUE: February 4
QUESTIONS: Music Theory -- 2 questions due February 4
For learning your recorder songs:
Remember when you watch the videos on YouTube on tablets and computers, it gives you the tools (SETTINGS) to slow down the song so it's easier to play!
Under MATERIALS you will find the RUBRIC. This is what I am grading you on when I look at you videos.
Before you turn in your videos, please watch your video and, using the rubric, grade yourself. Are you happy with the grade you are giving yourself? If yes, turn it in. If no, improve your playing and make a new video.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Go to Google Classroom.
Your next Recorder Karate Belt video is due on Jan 22.
Glockenspiel practice:
We did not get to this in class this week but we did it the week before.
C Major chord -- play DO MI SOL MI
F Major chord -- play DO FA LA FA
G Major chord -- play TI RE SOL RE
Look for chord exercise under materials on Classroom.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



CONGRATULATIONS on a terrific performance!
You all did a wonderful job and worked really hard to master all your songs. Thank you!
Your next recorder karate belt
  1. Please upload a video to Google Classroom with you playing your next belt level on PortableRecorder.ca : (if possible play along with the recording -- it makes a bit difference in how well you play). 
  2. You are welcome to turn in more than one video and you can turn videos in early -- but note late.  :)
  1.  Please double check that you have turned in all your assignments
  2. There are quite a few videos missing and I want you to get a good grade
  3. All of the missing videos are due no later than January 7, 2019. 
  4. And if your current grade does not look right, do not worry. I got way behind leading up to the concert. Over break I'll catch up of grading.
  1. Students have a video due every week
  2. Videos and any other assignment must be turned in by the due date for full credit
  3. Late assignments will get a lower grade
  4. Video assignments can be turned in early! But be sure that the video is the best possible performance. Better to spend more time learning and perfecting than to be the first to earn all the belts.  :)
Ms. Kitty >^..^<
PS: Over the winter break, I hope you will have a chance to go see a live performance some place. Bay Area Kid Fun has a list of shows and events for kids. The San Francisco Symphony has a great series of family concerts. And my favorite place to take kids for live music is SF Jazz. They have Family Matinees throughout the year -- often followed by a free music workshop (get there very early to reserve a spot). 
Encourage your kids to sing and move to music over the winter break. Happy holidays!



Please post your December practice record on Google Classroom.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



More info coming later today.......check back........
  1. Dona Nobis Pacem  --  Glockenspeil --- VERSE 3 VIDEO DUE 12/3/18
    1. Verse 3 -- play and sing the SOLFEGE!!!!
    2. Memorize all three parts by next week if you can!!!!
    3. Practice singing the words for the entire song with the singing lady video.
  2. 12 Instruments --  singing
    1. Memorize all the lyrics. Hard copy received 11/27.
    2. Practice playing all the recorder parts. Hard copy received 11/27.
    3. If you listen very carefully to the recording, you can pick out all the recorders parts after the kazoos from #8 to the end.
    4. Be really good at playing this by 12/3/18.
    5. Learn the ASL for the numbers.
  3. A Russian Christmas  recorder
    1. Part 1 -- harmony
      1. Everyone must be able to play this perfectly next week 12/3/18.
    2. Part 2 -- melody
      1. If you have a 1st degree brown belt or higher, you must learn to play part 2 (the melody) perfectly
  4. Song of Peace --  singing angd signing ASL
    1. Memorize the lyrics and ASL by 12/3/18.
    2. Video link: https://youtu.be/JTzvEIDF7YI
Yes --- this is a lot of homework, but you've been working on all of this (except the 12 instruments recorder parts) for week. The 12 instruments recorder parts are the only thing that is new this week!
www.PortableRecorder.ca -- This where you'll find all the songs and information you need to learn all your songs.
READY TO TEST? Upload your video on Google Classroom. Each degree has it's own assignment so you can turn in your video there.
Next belt:
  • If you have already earned a belt, you do not need to test for it again.
  • If you are not sure what belts you have earned, then you should test for those belts just to prove to yourself that you have earned them.
  • If you are ready to test for another belt, go to the Google Classroom assignment for next belt and upload.
  • You can upload as many testing videos as you want. I know that quite a few of you are ready to test for two, three or even four belts!
  • There are assignments for each degree and each belt in that degree. Please turn in your assignment in the correct location.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



More info coming later today.......check back........
  1. Dona Nobis Pacem  --  Glockenspeil --- VERSE 3 VIDEO DUE 12/3/18
    1. Verse 3 -- play and sing the SOLFEGE!!!!
    2. Memorize all three parts by next week if you can!!!!
    3. Practice singing the words for the entire song with the singing lady video.
  2. 12 Instruments --  singing
    1. Memorize all the lyrics. Hard copy received 11/27.
    2. Practice playing all the recorder parts. Hard copy received 11/27.
    3. If you listen very carefully to the recording, you can pick out all the recorders parts after the kazoos from #8 to the end.
    4. Be really good at playing this by 12/3/18.
    5. Learn the ASL for the numbers.
  3. A Russian Christmas  recorder
    1. Part 1 -- harmony
      1. Everyone must be able to play this perfectly next week 12/3/18.
    2. Part 2 -- melody
      1. If you have a 1st degree brown belt or higher, you must learn to play part 2 (the melody) perfectly
  4. Song of Peace --  singing angd signing ASL
    1. Memorize the lyrics and ASL by 12/3/18.
    2. Video link: https://youtu.be/JTzvEIDF7YI
Yes --- this is a lot of homework, but you've been working on all of this (except the 12 instruments recorder parts) for week. The 12 instruments recorder parts are the only thing that is new this week!
www.PortableRecorder.ca -- This where you'll find all the songs and information you need to learn all your songs.
READY TO TEST? Upload your video on Google Classroom. Each degree has it's own assignment so you can turn in your video there.
Next belt:
  • If you have already earned a belt, you do not need to test for it again.
  • If you are not sure what belts you have earned, then you should test for those belts just to prove to yourself that you have earned them.
  • If you are ready to test for another belt, go to the Google Classroom assignment for next belt and upload.
  • You can upload as many testing videos as you want. I know that quite a few of you are ready to test for two, three or even four belts!
  • There are assignments for each degree and each belt in that degree. Please turn in your assignment in the correct location.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



November practice record due 12/3/18 on Google Classroom
VIDEO DUE 12/3/18
  1. Dona Nobis Pacem  --  Glockenspeil --- VERSE 3 VIDEO DUE 12/3/18
    1. Verse 3 -- play and sing the SOLFEGE!!!!
    2. Memorize all three parts by next week if you can!!!!
    3. Practice singing the words for the entire song with the singing lady video.
  2. 12 Instruments --  singing
    1. Memorize all the lyrics. Hard copy received 11/27.
    2. Practice playing all the recorder parts. Hard copy received 11/27.
    3. If you listen very carefully to the recording, you can pick out all the recorders parts after the kazoos from #8 to the end.
    4. Be really good at playing this by 12/3/18.
    5. Learn the ASL for the numbers.
  3. A Russian Christmas  recorder
    1. Part 1 -- harmony
      1. Everyone must be able to play this perfectly next week 12/3/18.
    2. Part 2 -- melody
      1. If you have a 1st degree brown belt or higher, you must learn to play part 2 (the melody) perfectly
  4. Song of Peace --  singing angd signing ASL
    1. Memorize the lyrics and ASL by 12/3/18.
    2. Video link: https://youtu.be/JTzvEIDF7YI
Yes --- this is a lot of homework, but you've been working on all of this (except the 12 instruments recorder parts) for week. The 12 instruments recorder parts are the only thing that is new this week!
www.PortableRecorder.ca -- This where you'll find all the songs and information you need to learn all your songs.
READY TO TEST? Upload your video on Google Classroom. Each degree has it's own assignment so you can turn in your video there.
Next belt:
  • If you have already earned a belt, you do not need to test for it again.
  • If you are not sure what belts you have earned, then you should test for those belts just to prove to yourself that you have earned them.
  • If you are ready to test for another belt, go to the Google Classroom assignment for next belt and upload.
  • You can upload as many testing videos as you want. I know that quite a few of you are ready to test for two, three or even four belts!
  • There are assignments for each degree and each belt in that degree. Please turn in your assignment in the correct location.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



VIDEO DUE 11/13/18
  1. Dona Nobis Pacem  --  Glockenspeil --- VERSE 2 VIDEO DUE 11/13/18
    1. Verse 2 -- look for the number 2 up above Line 3 of the song. You will play lines 3 and 4. That's the second verse and what we went over in class.
    2. Extra credit if you sing the solfege as you play.  :)
    3. VERSE 1 VIDEO WAS DUE OCTOBER 30  There are still 7 students who have not turned this is. This means you have a big fat F for this. And I know you don't want an F. Get at least a B and maybe even an A !!! Turn it in.
  2. A Russian Christmas  recorder
    1. PART 1 VIDEO WAS DUE OCTOBER 30  Still missing videos from 8 of you. Turn it in ASAP. Right now that means you have an F for that assignment and it's about 17% of your overall score. Turn it in and your overall grade will skyrocket!
    2. If you have to try 30 times to get a good recording, that's okay. That means you are practicing and improving. YIPPEE!!
    3. What matters is that you play all the right notes at the right time --- so playing slowly is just fine. You do not need to play along with the recording if it is too fast for you to play well. 
  3. Song of Peace --  singing angd signing ASL
    1. Great work on learning verse 1 and the chorus
    2. This week learn verse 2 and the ending.
    3. Video link: https://youtu.be/JTzvEIDF7YI
  4. 12 Instruments --  singing
    1. Memorize the first five verses!
    2. Be sure you can clap the rhythm of the instruments that play after each verse. 
www.PortableRecorder.ca -- This where you'll find all the songs and information you need to learn all your songs.
READY TO TEST? Upload your video on Google Classroom. Each degree has it's own assignment so you can turn in your video there.
Next belt:
  • If you have already earned a belt, you do not need to test for it again.
  • If you are not sure what belts you have earned, then you should test for those belts just to prove to yourself that you have earned them.
  • If you are ready to test for another belt, go to the Google Classroom assignment for next belt and upload.
  • You can upload as many testing videos as you want. I know that quite a few of you are ready to test for two, three or even four belts!
  • There are assignments for each degree and each belt in that degree. Please turn in your assignment in the correct location.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Dona Nobis Pacem --  
  1. LEARN Second "verse" of the songGO TO GOOGLE CLASSROOM!
  2. Sing the words (listen to the video lady and sing with her or sing by yourself)
  3. If you cannot read the notes, please write in the solfege name for each note (in pencil) so you can begin to learn it.
  4. Sing this part all the way through the song with the lady on the video. REMEMBER: It's a three-part round so singing just one part all the way through is fabulous.
A Russian Christmas --
  1. VIDEO: Recorder part 1 GO TO GOOGLE CLASSROOM
  2. If possible, play along with the recording
  3. If not possible, play by yourself with a steady beat
A Song of Peace -- Learn to sing and sign the first verse and chorus
  1. Listen to the recording
  2. Learn the lyrics and sing along
  3. Watch the video and start learning the American Sign Language for this song  https://youtu.be/JTzvEIDF7YI
12 Instruments --
  1. Listen to the recording
  2. Sing along
  3. Do you know the real names of all the instruments in the song?
A Russian Christmas -- part 1
  1. Listen to the recording
  2. Clap and say the rhythm
  3. Point and sing the solfege
  4. See if you can play part 1
  5. If you are working on 2nd and 3rd degree belts, your should be able to play this.  :)
Next belt:
  • If you have already earned a belt, you do not need to test for it again.
  • If you are not sure what belts you have earned, then you should test for those belts just to prove to yourself that you have earned them.
  • If you are ready to test for another belt, go to the Google Classroom assignment for next belt and upload.
  • You can upload as many testing videos as you want. I know that quite a few of you are ready to test for two, three or even four belts!
  • There are assignments for each degree and each belt in that degree. Please turn in your assignment in the correct location.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Glockenspiel, recorder and music folder must be brought to music class every Tuesday.
Not bringing your instruments will lower your grade.
Dona Nobis Pacem --  Turn in as soon as possible. I know you were all out last week --- but this was homework from the week before.
  1. VIDEO: First 8 measures GO TO GOOGLE CLASSROOM!
  2. If you cannot read the notes, please write in the solfege name for each note so you can begin to learn it.
  3. Sing the words! It's a three-part round.
A Russian Christmas --
  1. VIDEO: Recorder part 1
  2. If possible, play along with the recording
  3. If not possible, play by yourself with a steady beat
A Song of Peace -- Learn to sing and sign the first verse and chorus
  1. Listen to the recording
  2. Learn the lyrics and sing along
  3. Watch the video and start learning the American Sign Language for this song  https://youtu.be/JTzvEIDF7YI
12 Instruments --
  1. Listen to the recording
  2. Sing along
  3. Do you know the real names of all the instruments in the song?
A Russian Christmas -- part 1
  1. Listen to the recording
  2. Clap and say the rhythm
  3. Point and sing the solfege
  4. See if you can play part 1
  5. If you are working on 2nd and 3rd degree belts, your should be able to play this.  :)
Next belt:
  • If you have already earned a belt, you do not need to test for it again.
  • If you are not sure what belts you have earned, then you should test for those belts just to prove to yourself that you have earned them.
  • If you are ready to test for another belt, go to the Google Classroom assignment for next belt and upload.
  • You can upload as many testing videos as you want. I know that quite a few of you are ready to test for two, three or even four belts!
  • There are assignments for each degree and each belt in that degree. Please turn in your assignment in the correct location.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Hope you have fun at outdoor ed!
Glockenspiel, recorder and music folder must be brought to music class every Tuesday. Thanks!
A Song of Peace --
  1. Listen to the recording
  2. Learn the lyrics and sing along
  3. Watch the video and start learning the American Sign Language for this song  https://youtu.be/JTzvEIDF7YI
12 Instruments --
  1. Listen to the recording
  2. Sing along
  3. Do you know the real names of all the instruments in the song?
A Russian Christmas -- part 1
  1. Listen to the recording
  2. Clap and say the rhythm
  3. Point and sing the solfege
  4. See if you can play part 1
Dona Nobis Pacem --  
  1. VIDEO: First 8 measures GO TO GOOGLE CLASSROOM!
  2. If you cannot read the notes, please write in the solfege name for each note so you can begin to learn it.
  3. Sing the words! It's a three-part round.
Next belt:
  • If you are ready to test for another belt, go to the Google Classrom assignment for next belt and upload.
  • You can upload as many testing videos as you want. I know that quite a few of you are ready to test for two, three or even four belts!
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



REMINDER: Glockenspiel, recorder and music folder must be brought to music class every Tuesday. Thanks!
  1. Please fill out your loan agreement
  2. Take a photo of it and post in the assignment on Google Classroom
  3. Bring the hardcopy to music class next week for me to organize and give to the office
  4. Noodle around on your new instrument -- but please make pretty sounds -- no harsh pounding. 
  5. See if you can play a song on the glockenspiel.
  • You now have the hard copies of all the first degree belts and exercises. You can also find them online to PortableReorder.ca
  • Play the three 1st degree Blue Belt exercises and the three 1st degree Red Belt exercises.
  • Clap and say the rhythm for these exercises using Takadimi.
  • Remember that the point of these is to give you some complicated jumps and fingering transitions to make playing songs easier.
  • Also work on the exercises for the belts you are working on!
Next belt:
  • If you are ready to test for another belt, go to the Google Classrom assignment for next belt and upload.
  • You can upload as many testing videos as you want. I know that quite a few of you are ready to test for two, three or even four belts!
  1. Get familiar with the following  songs and lyrics:
    1. 12 Days Instrument
    2. Song of Peace
  2. A Russian Christmas -- part 1
    1. Listen to the recording
    2. Clap and say the rhythm
    3. Point and sing the solfege
    4. See if you can play part 1
  3. Dona Nobis Pacem -
    1. I discovered a typo in the music. Listen to the recording I've uploaded and see if you can find the differences between the music I gave you and what you are hearing. We'll officially fix the music in class next week.
    2. If you cannot read the notes, please write in the solfege name for each note so you can begin to learn it.
    3. Sing the words! It's a three-part round.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



 This week at home:
For the video that is officially due today, do not stress. Do you best to upload it by tonight. If you cannot do it tonight, please get it online by tomorrow. (That will give you time to check in at school and see if someone else has ideas on how to TURN IN an assignment.)
I think the easiest way is to upload your video to Google Drive and then it's really easy to get it into Google Classroom.
  • Use the handout your teacher gave you or go online to PortableReorder.ca and learn the three 1st degree Blue Belt exercises and the three 1st degree Red Belt exercises. Clap and say the rhythm using Takadimi.
  • Sing and sign (slowly!) these very strange melodies.
  • Remember that the point of these is to give you some complicated jumps and fingering transitions to make playing songs easier.
  • Also work on the exercises for the belts you are working on!
Video Testing:
  • Go to Google Classroom and find the assignment for September 25 under PERFORMANCE.
  • Upload your video for your next belt there.
  • Please play only one verse of your song.
  • Please follow the instructions about saying your name and the belt.
  • Be sure the video shows your face and your recorder -- a medium close up in TV terms.
Next belt:
  • If you are ready to test for another belt, go to the assignment for October 2
  • You can upload as many testing videos as you want. I know that quite a few of you are ready to test for two, three or even four belts!
 Start getting familiar with the 12 Instruments and The Song of Peace
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



This week at home:
All songs, notes, rhythms up to and including the highest belt you have earned.
  • Use the handout your teacher gave you or go online to PortableReorder.ca and learn the three 1st degree Blue Belt exercises and the three 1st degree Red Belt exercises. Clap and say the rhythm using Takadimi.
  • Sing and sign (slowly!) these very strange melodies.
  • Remember that the point of these is to give you some complicated jumps and fingering transitions to make playing songs easier.
  • Start working on your next belt.
  • Clap and say the rhythms using Takadimi.
  • Sing and sing the note names using solfege.
  • Play the song slowly.
  • Work up to the tempo of the recording. Slow versions are under Recorder Karate on my Hilldale homepage.
  • Have fun!
Your first testing video will be due on September 25. Please do NOT send it to me yet. You are welcome to record the video -- but I don't want to see it yet.  :) . I promise to tell you everything you need to know to do it right next week in class. If you are ready to earn multiple belts you'll be able to send in videos for each of those.
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



From last week:
If you have not read the back-to-school hand out, please look at last week's assignment and complete it.
This week at home:
Especially for students new to recorder:
  • Please go to this link and watch all the "how to play recorder" videos:   https://americanrecorder.org/how_to_play_the_recorder.php
  • Print out the fingering chart from this page, too. It will be very helpful.
  • Continuing recorder students: This is worth watching for you, too. 
  • After watching the above "how to" videos, go to http://portablerecorder.weebly.com/  and start to learn the 1st degree white belt song.
  • Learning process: Go to Ms. Kitty's Hilldale homepage and look at the Music Homework FAQs.
  • Remember to read all the stuff below in this note. Lots of it applies to new students, too.
Print, plan, play:
  • Go to Ms. Kitty's homepage on the Hilldale website and print out a September practice calendar. (News & Updates)
  • Print out the rubric and read it so you understand what is expected of you. (Recorder Karate) Slow versions of songs for 1st degree belts are here, too.
  • Read and print out the Note Cheat Sheet for hands signs and note reading if you have not mastered this. (Music Resources)
  • Read and print out the Takadimi chart if you have not mastered Takadimi. (Music Resources)
  • Your practice record is just a blank calendar page.
    • You fill in the dates.
    • Plan your practice time and track your practice time.
    • This is how you will learn if you are practicing enough to be successful and play well.
    • Please use this calendar and no other option to make it easier for me to review when you turn in the record at the end of the month
    • Remember I have to do this for all 2nd-8th graders!
  • Practice suggestion: Do your regular homework for 15 to 20 minutes. Do five minutes of music as a reward. Repeat until finished!
  • Review all the songs you have learned. Not sure if you are playing it brilliantly?
    • Record yourself and listen.
    • Be your own music coach.
    • Work on the parts that aren't up to your standard, and then record again.
  • If you earned a belt last year, just review it and be sure you are confident playing it and know all the music theory from that piece.
  • If you can play all of last year's belts, start on the next belt.
    • Ready to test? Make a video of yourself playing the new piece. 
    • Include your face and the recorder in the shot.
    • Sign and sing the notes. (one verse only with no internal edits)
    • Clap and say the rhythm. (one verse only with no internal edits)
    • Play along with the recording. (one verse only with no internal edits)
    • If you know how to, edit the clips together and send me the shortest version possible.
    • Record your song as many times as you need to for a good performance.
    • Remember in Spanish it's called a flauta dulce --- so play sweetly.
See you next week!
Ms. Kitty >^..^<



Welcome to MUSIC!
Below are the handouts for parents (and older students) from back-to-school night. I'm putting them here as an assignment so everyone will have access.
On a weekly basis, you should see the most recent assignment at the top of the list, but you can always go back to earlier assignments to catch up or review.
Hope the infomation is helpful and please email if you have questions or I can help in any way.
This week at home:
Parents (and older students):
  1. Please read the Back-to-school night.pdf (see below) and the appropirate rubric.
  2. Please subscribe. (Thank you to those who have already subscribed!)
Kinders and 1sts:
  • Listen to music. Sing. Dance. We'll learn more music next week in class!
  • Print out the Note Chart under Music Resources on Ms. Kitty's Hilldale homepage.
Students grades 2-8:
  1. Please print out and keep the following in your music folder:
    • This month's practice record (see Ms. Kitty's Hilldale home page News & Updates)
    • Your rubric. (Update: Belts will be awarded to students earning an A or B for testing. If you earn a C or lower, you'll retest until you earn your belt but that assignent will be scored lowered and considered late. And you'll still be responsible for turning in the next test by the deadline.)
Flutophone students:
  • Take a look at the website below and learn the lyrics of the first few songs just for fun.
  • We'll learn to sing words, point and sing solfege, clap and say Takadimi in class.
  • To get a head start, go to ms. Kitty's Hilldale home page and review solfege and Takadimi under Music Resources.
Recorder students:
(Note: if you're transitioning from Flutophone to recorder, watch the video fingerings to see how to finger your old Flutophone songs on the recorder. Just a few changes.)
  • Please review all the songs you learned last year
  • Please review solfege and hand signs (see Ms. Kitty's Hilldale home page under Music Resources)
  • Please review Takadimi (see Ms. Kitty's Hilldale home page under Music Resources)
  • Track your practice time!
Recorder website:
Ukulele students:
  1. Please review all the songs you learned last year -- lyrics, solfege, play all parts
  2. Please review solfege and hand signs (see Ms. Kitty's Hilldale home page under Music Resources)
  3. Please review Takadimi (see Ms. Kitty's Hilldale home page under Music Resources)
  4. Track your pracitice time!
Ms. Kitty >^..^<