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3rd Grade Tech Assignments

Mr. Michael Dela Cruz
2018-2019 School Year
3rd Grade
Let's learn tech! In this class we will learn the basics of tech from typing to navigating our way using the many features of the Google Classroom. Learn to create budgets using Google Sheets, learn to create presentations using Google Slides, etc. Don't forget to come join our conversations in our Google Virtual Classroom! Welcome, my third graders!

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Answer the Question of the Week on your Google Classroom!
Here's my Question of the Week:

Voyager 2 has left the building! Or more like our solar system. Do you remember the messages scientists and artists left on Voyager 2 to any intelligent beings that might receive them one day? The messages are basically calling cards from Earth as it has our return address, information about who we are, where we are, etc. Now my question is this:

If you were alive in 1977, and you were given the chance to leave a message that will be carried aboard by Voyager 2, what will your message be and why?



Check out our Google Classroom for the latest NASA posting! This one's a head scratcher!



Hey, 3rd graders! Please send me your $50 budget exercise we did today, 11/27, on or before 12/04, Tuesday, which is exactly a week from now. Make sure to add the taxes to your overall cost! (The tax is .0725) 
This is homework assignment worth 10 points.